Colour Tools

Finally, we took time to put together every colour manipulation tool that we developed over the years here on this page. You will find them neatly grouped by the purpose of each tool. You should see that we have all sorts of color tools, color conversion tools are the most popular ones, but we also have side by side comparison and different color system matching apps. Feel free to use them for free as long as you need.

pantone to ral conversion tool

Pantone to RAL

Pantone to RAL colour matching and converting tool will help you to find points of cross-reference between these two different standards.

hex to ral converter tool cover image


Matching color from HEX to RAL is easy when you have proper tools. Here is one of them, quick and easy conversion tool to pinpoint the best RAL to any given HEX code.

RAL to RGB Converter headline image


This will retrieve RGB values for any RAL colour input (either by name or code) from RAL Classic and RAL Design charts.

RAL to CMYK converter online free tool


In manufacturing and design, CMYK and RAL are commonly used together, much like salt and pepper. This tool allows you to effortlessly convert RAL to CMYK making it much easier to manage some colorful adventures.

ral to ncs color system converter tool


Most of RAL colors can be easily matched to NCS colors, because both of those color systems are developed with architecture and design in mind.

RAL to British Standard color code


Just like RAL, British Standard is very common when it comes to industries like architecture, construction, and manufacturing. Color design will become easier if you equip this conversion tool to translate RAL to British standards.

ral classic side by side comparison tool

Side by Side (Classic Chart)

Putting RAL colors side by side for visual evaluation works well, whether you’re searching for dupes or simply aiming to highlight differences.

ral and pantone side by side comparison tool

Side by Side (RAL and Pantone)

Quickly and easily put any of RAL colors alongside Pantone colors for visual comparison. See the differences and compare color shades one by one.


RAL and NCS side by side comparison tool

Side by Side (RAL and NCS)

Natural Color System colors are often interchanged with RAL colors based on project nature and geographical location. For this reason it is sometimes useful to compare shades from both collections side by side. This tool does just that.


ral color picker from uploaded image

RAL Colour Finder

Find RAL color from image – snap a photo or upload file directly from your device to quickly find out the color in that image.